5 Bible lessons for pre-school children covering the story of Easter. These lessons explore how Jesus showed God’s love in His many interactions with a wide range of people. Why? Because everyone is precious to God. Jesus showed us that God loves us at Easter and showed us He has power over any scary thing, even death. 1. Jesus is celebrated as King (John 12:12-19) 2. Jesus washed His disciples’ feet (John 13:3-17) 3. Jesus is arrested even though He was innocent (John 18) 4. Jesus dies, and His followers are sad (John 19:38—20:10) 5. Jesus comes back to life and His followers are glad (John 20:11-30) Many of the activities are suitable for children under 5 years of age. Children under 2 will enjoy being cared for in an environment that invites them to experience and know Jesus loves them.