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Jesus heals the man lowered through the roof

Four faithful friends bring a paralyzed man to Jesus. Jesus forgives his sins and proves he has authority to forgive by healing the man's body as well.

This brings opposition from those who know the religious laws, because no one has the authority to forgive sin except God. Is Jesus a teacher, a prophet, or someone much greater? This video is based on the Bible story with some additional dialog of the friends. This video is suitable for all ages, and can be used to present the Bible story, and as a discussion starter.

In the SUPPORT content, we have put BibleMAX Unit 6. Lesson 1 of this set of 5 lessons (who is this man -Jesus?) is about the same passage.

BibleMAX lesson
BibleMAX lesson
Translation Video Tracks
Translation Audio Track - Music
Translation Audio Track - Sound Effects
Translator's script
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