15 fun 1- page dramas written for 4 actors. Use all together in a series or individually. Originally written for a week-long Bible club program, they are grouped by theme and include small group discussion questions. Great for downloading and having on hand.
God Chooses Us
- Abraham
- Daniel
- Mary
God Gives Us Jesus to be Our Savior and Example
- Jesus Prepares
- Jesus Teaching and Healing
- Jesus Dying on the Cross and Rising Again
God's Spirit Leads Us and Goes With Us Everywhere
- The Spirit of God comes on Bezalel and Oholiab
- Philip and the Ethiopian
- The Spirit Leads Paul to Macedonia
We Work Together and Do Our Best
- Tabitha is Brought Back to Life
- Priscilla and Aquila and Apollos
- Onesimus
Who Can We Invite to Join God's Family?
- Andrew and Simon Peter
- Peter and Cornelius
- Lois, Eunice and Timothy